Smart leak detection: Preventing water damage with NB-IoT


  • LeakSafe work to detect water leaks or burst pipes and immediately shutting water off.

  • If leaks aren't detected quickly, this can lead to increasing insurance premiums or excesses.

  • Vodafone Business NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT) helps to work out when a leak starts and its exact location.

Meet LeakSafe

LeakSafe is a UK-based company providing water leak detection and prevention systems for all types of residential and commercial buildings.

They work with property owners, developers, facilities managers and construction companies to detect water leaks or burst pipes and immediately shut the water off.

They not only help customers prevent property damage but also minimise water waste to enhance sustainability.

The challenge

Leaks can take place anywhere water is running in pipework or appliances, with kitchens, bathrooms and cylinder cupboards are all potential hazard sources.

While a burst pipe is immediately evident, other types of leaks can remain invisible and go undetected for months. If property managers become aware of the problem only when water has already got into the fabric of the building, they usually must deal with extensive damage.

Many insurers are now insisting that property owners should take the necessary steps to mitigate the risks. If a leak isn’t detected in time, it may lead to increasing insurance premiums or excesses. If this problem escalates, the owner may not be insured against water leaks.

LeakSafe’s mission is to identify and stop any escape of water right after the first drop. As Vodafone Business shares their passion for technology and innovation, we were glad to help them design and deploy IoT-enabled leak detection solutions. Through Vodafone Business Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) connectivity, the company can help reduce small leaks before they turn into a flood.

“Vodafone is a great brand – it’s reliable, robust and has incredible capability. That’s simply why we chose them.”

The solution

It’s essential to win the race against water and time. Burst pipes are easy to notice but most insurance claims come from low-level leaks which slowly seep into the fabric of buildings.

Many leak detection products can detect if there’s a leak in the property, but the owner must call a specialist to trace it. That’s why NB-IoT is a game changer – LeakSafe can determine the moment a leak starts and its exact location.

NB-IoT allows them to give property managers that precise information so they can isolate and repair the pipes before the incident leads to significant damage. As NB-IoT doesn’t rely on WiFi, they can have peace of mind that fewer leaks remain undetected due to connectivity issues.

Owners and property managers need to be prepared to deal with leaks. NB-IoT ensures that they can always keep an eye on their properties no matter where they are.

If a LeakSafe NB-IoT device, such as WaterComm, is installed under the kitchen sink and gets wet, it immediately sends a message to LeakSafe’s data platform using Vodafone Business NB-IoT. The owner or property manager gets an alert via text, email or an app and can look at the issue in real time using the client dashboard.

NB-IoT not only helps customers protect valuable assets against leaks but also could potentially reduce insurance premiums as insurers reward their policyholders for proactively managing escape of water risks.

What’s next?

LeakSafe is planning to continue its NB-IoT journey with Vodafone Business. They want to incorporate IoT into all their products and provide their clients with an efficient leak detection solution. They’ll also use NB-IoT to help their customers become more sustainable by monitoring and reducing their water usage.

Vodafone Business IoT Solutions

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Why Vodafone Business?

Low-power wide-area (LPWA) network coverage

Seamless NB-IoT connectivity

Smart detection and prevention solutions

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