Pay as you go 1
For Pay as you go 1 full terms and conditions - please visit
Frequently asked questions
How it works
You can choose Vodafone Pay as you go 1 either by activating a Vodafone Pay as you go 1 SIM or you can opt-in by calling 41146 free from your Vodafone mobile.
You'll need to top up a minimum of £5 in order to be able to use Pay as you go 1. Minimum top up required when a Pay as you go 1 SIM is purchased, however if purchased with a handset, the minimum top up may be higher.
On Vodafone Pay as you go 1 your data allowance will be capped at 50MB a day, so you'll avoid any unexpected additional data charges. We will let you know if you are about to run out of data, so if you need more you can purchase an additional 50MB Data Extra to use for the rest of the day for £1. There are no out of bundle data charges for Vodafone Pay as you go 1.
If you purchase a £1 50MB Data Extra it will only be valid until midnight on the day you purchase it. Any unused data will not rollover to the following day.
You can only opt into Pay as you go 1 once per day. If you opt out you'll not be able to opt back in until the following day.
Please note that Pay as you go 1 may not be activated on your Pay as you go account immediately after you opt in. You'll receive a text notification once Pay and you go 1 has been activated and is ready for you to use.
Please note that the following are not included in your Vodafone Pay as you go 1 Flat Rate or your Pay as you go 1 call, text and data allowances and you'll incur additional charges if you use these services. Please see our Charges Guide for further information:
Excluded Calls: Video calls, calls to premium rate non-geographic numbers, non-standard 07 number, directory enquiries, roaming calls, international calls and Freephone 05 numbers. If you make any Excluded Calls before you are connected, you'll hear an automated message reminding you that the call is not included in the Flat Rate Usage and that you'll be charged extra. By continuing with the call you are accepting the additional charges. Please note that this functionality is only available when you are making calls from the UK and is not available when you make an Excluded Call whilst roaming in our Europe Zone or further afield.
Excluded Texts: international texts and MMS (i.e. texts and MMS sent in countries or to countries outside the UK and texts to premium rate numbers.)
Excluded Data: any data usage outside the UK or Zone A.
Please note that Excluded Usage will not count towards your qualifying £2 spend for unlimited minutes, texts and 50MB of data.
Who is eligible?
Vodafone Pay as you go 1 is available to Pay as you go customers on Vodafone Simply, Smartstep and Smartplus price plans.
Vodafone Pay as you go 1 cannot be used in conjunction with any Freebies or other tariffs. You may have a Big Value Bundle alongside Pay as you go 1, but different rates apply for out of bundle usage and your usage will not be capped. These rates can be found in our Pay as you go airtime conditions. If you opt in to Pay as you go 1 you'll automatically be opted out of your Big Value Bundle, Smartstep or Smartplus plan, Freebie, Extra or international bundle immediately and will lose any remaining allowances.
From 12 July 2022, your Vodafone Pay as you go 1 unlimited calls, unlimited texts and 50MB of data is for use in the UK and Zone A destinations only. Please visit for a list of Vodafone's Pay as you go roaming extras.
Please be aware
Vodafone Pay as you go 1 is only for your personal, non-commercial use and subject to the Pay as you go airtime conditions and our Acceptable Use Policy
You'll not be charged on days when you do not use your phone, however, your phone may occasionally 'chatter' which will incur data costs. This is automatic and the only way to avoid it is to keep data turned off on your phone. Please see your phone manufacturer's guide for details on how to do this.
Who are we? Vodafone Limited, Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN.
Version: December 2024