Data Calculator

How much data do I need?

Do you know how much data you use on your smartphone? Our handy mobile data calculator helps you work out how much data you need, based on the apps you use most, so you can find a plan tailored to your needs. Plus, there are tips on how to use less data and guides on how much data popular apps like Netflix, Spotify and YouTube use.

Use the sliders or type in the text boxes to calculate your data use, quickly and easily.

Viewing - Videos and movies
Listening - Music and radio
Chatting - Video, voice and image messaging
Browsing - Web pages and email
Socialising - Social media browsing and sharing

Find a plan that suits you.

Data usage - helpful information and tips

Our Data Calculator is designed to make it easy for you to estimate your monthly data usage - but we understand that many of the terms and abbreviations used can be confusing. And that's precisely why we've provided answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Please note: The Data Calculator provides an estimate based on average data use at the time of publication. It is not a recommendation. Remember when you are choosing your plan to allow a little bit extra for those unexpected downloads.

Frequently asked questions