R - Recognising your right to online safety

Recognising your right to online safety

Everyone has the right to be safe - and if something happens that makes your child concerned or unsafe, they have the right to get help.  This activity explores the rights you and your child have when using a phone and looks at how people might react to different situations.

Exploring how to react in different situations

This activity involves four different scenarios. For each one, think about these four points:

Decide how you think you would react if you were the person in this situation, then share your reactions and compare.

Think about how other children might respond when faced with this situation. What might they do differently? 

Talk about what would be helpful and what could be risky about these ways of responding. 

Talk together about what rights and responsibilities the people in these situations have.

Let’s go through each scenario  

Let’s see what this family think about sharing personal information and images

When you get your first phone you might be excited to share your new number with your friends or get involved in online groups. Talk as a family about who you can or cannot trust to have your phone number - only share it with those who will be kind and respectful.

Have a chat together about the kind of pictures that are ok to share and those that are not - it’s important to remember that any images you share could be sent to other people without your knowledge, and it’s not possible to get these back.

Now you’ve completed R together, it’s time to move on to U - Using online safety and wellbeing tools.

Frequently asked questions