How to show customers your sustainability efforts

Every small step adds up to make a difference. Find out how to show customers you’re making sustainability a priority.

Sustainability. It’s not a new concept, but with our planet feeling the effect of climate change, customers are taking it more seriously. And they want to buy from and work with businesses who take it seriously too.

That’s why 91% of SME owners believe it’s important to be sustainable, but 42% struggle due to a lack of guidance.

And with the focus often being put on priorities like keeping your business afloat or managing budget for future development, you might not be able to invest in more sustainable technology or only use fully sustainable and traceable suppliers. But there are some simple ways you can start to show customers your business is serious about sustainability.

3 ways to show customers you’re serious about sustainability

#1: Make choices that help the planet

  • Make use of second-hand furniture or devices

  • Donate a percentage of proceeds to an environmental cause

  • Make the most of your tech, then recycle it

  • But only commit to changes you can see through

#2: Reduce energy consumption

  • Turn off all tech overnight

  • Walk or cycle when possible

  • Switch to energy-saving lightbulbs

  • And always be transparent about the changes you’re making

#3: Tell everyone!

  • Post every change you make on social media

  • Create a dedicated webpage that outlines your climate actions

  • Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small

  • Reassure customers that you’re making sustainable changes

Small steps add up to make a big difference.
Start today.

Whether you can consider eco-friendly alternatives, sustainable shipping practices, connecting with sustainable suppliers, or you’re ready to explore energy-saving options, you don’t have to do everything at once to show customers you care.

Take it one step at a time and, before you know it, you’ll start offsetting your carbon footprint and running a sustainable operation.

Need a helping hand to move forward? The V-Hub Digital Advisers are well-prepared to help you review your business’ current position and provide real-world tips to support your sustainability journey. And you can chat to them for free here.

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