Get the most out of your customer reviews

Customer reviews are a powerful and cost-effective way to drive more sales, raise awareness and reputation.

In the digital age, the humble customer review has grown in stature to play a pivotal role in shaping start-ups. After all, it’s only in our current digital age that online reviews can either make millionaires in a day, or be instantly, virally devastating.

Whether it’s Trustpilot, Ekomi, Google Maps or trade specific sites, great online reviews can help small businesses soar. Making the most of customer reviews is a powerful and cost-effective way to drive more sales, raise awareness and reputation and even boost your presence on search engine results.

Word of mouth now flies at the speed of a click or a tap – and therefore it wields unprecedented influence over purchasing decisions. So, for a business owner, harnessing the power of review sites like Trustpilot and Glassdoor isn’t a choice; it's a strategic ‘must-do’. In this article, we'll explore how reviews for businesses and leveraging business review sites can significantly boost your start-up, helping you attract and retain customers, increase visibility, and support SEO efforts, all while helping to beat your competition.

According to Trustpilot, (one of the most popular review platforms) over 90% of consumers say reading online reviews is part of their purchase decision process. In fact, three-quarters of shoppers say they trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. Research also suggests that consumers are willing to spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews.

The case for encouraging customers to leave positive online reviews is a no-brainer.

Benefits of customer reviews

Customer reviews are more than just testimonials; they are powerful tools that can shape the perception of your brand. Positive website reviews not only build credibility but also enhance awareness, authority, and trust in your business. They serve as social proof, providing potential customers with authentic insights into the experiences of others.

As part of wider digital marketing strategies, reviews can significantly impact SEO (search engine optimisation), contributing to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic. This interplay between reviews and digital marketing strategies creates a cycle that can propel your start-up forward.

Website reviews for business

How do review sites help businesses? Not all review sites are created equal, and for SMEs, choosing the right platforms is crucial. Here's a breakdown of some key review sites and what makes them particularly relevant for small businesses:

Trustpilot: Known for its transparency and credibility, Trustpilot is a go-to platform for customer reviews. Its user-friendly interface and wide reach make it an ideal choice for SMEs looking to build trust and attract a broader audience.

Glassdoor: While traditionally associated with employee reviews, Glassdoor also provides insights into a company's culture, which can influence potential customers. Positive employee reviews contribute to you having a positive ‘employer brand’ and therefore a positive overall brand image.

Yelp: Local businesses thrive on Yelp, where customer reviews can significantly impact foot traffic and customer acquisition. A strong presence on Yelp can make a substantial difference for SMEs targeting a local customer base.

Tripadvisor: If your start-up operates in the travel or hospitality industry, Tripadvisor is a must. Positive reviews on this platform can drive bookings and elevate your brand in the highly competitive tourism sector.

Amazon: If you have physical products to sell, Amazon was one of the first, most trusted sources for consumers looking for more info before buying something online.

Foursquare: If you own a bar or restaurant, the chances are that someone’s already reviewed your business on Foursquare. So, optimise your listing by adding social media links and menu details.

Here we explore ways that small businesses are using online customer reviews to supercharge their marketing efforts, while also ensuring that negative reviews do not leave a black mark on their brand.

1 - Putting the foundations in place

If you are new to reviews, a great place to start is Google My Business. As Google explains, this is a free service that helps you attract and engage customers, giving you a presence on Google Search and Maps and allowing you to respond to Reviews.

One business owner who has seen the power of positive Google reviews is Donna Evans, Founder of She Moves - a female run removal company based in South Wales. As she explains, a growing bank of over 60, 5-star reviews from happy customers are a ‘seal of approval’ that have helped her grow her business, increasing hits on her website. Encouraging customers to leave reviews, and showcasing positive feedback has proven invaluable.

Berlin-based wellness brand VAAY uses to gather positive-review content from its customers which it then uses on social media to help educate others about their products.

Google isn’t the only company that offers a review platform. From Trustpilot to Yelp and Feefo, each offers different services to support businesses who want to connect with customer feedback. It is worth exploring your options, balancing costs with the support each offers its clients.

2 - Encouraging customer reviews - make the ask!

68% of customers will leave a review if they’re asked - make sure to include links to your business’ review profiles on e-receipts, invoices, newsletters and your website to make it as easy as possible. You can also make use of automated, personalised feedback reminder emails to customers - a feature some review platforms offer as part of their packages.

Offline, you can get creative. Trustpilot customers receive Feedback Stickers to add to parcels - you can use attractive flyers and inserts. Let your customers know what a big difference reviews can make to your small business, and that their support is truly valued. Knowing they are supporting your dream can be very powerful.

However, be careful about offering rewards for reviews. Sites like Google and Yelp have strict policies in place that prohibit businesses from giving incentives for reviews. Both review platforms and customers are becoming more aware of ‘fake’ reviews, so don’t be tempted to do anything other than encourage real, honest reviews from real customers.

3 - Managing negative online reviews of your business

Some business owners worry about encouraging reviews in case they receive less-than-glowing, public feedback. In reality, a business with nothing but 5* reviews may look a little suspicious! Trustpilot found that ‘68% of consumers trust reviews more when they see both good and bad ones’.

Getting a bad review isn’t the end of the world. When 89% of consumers read businesses' responses; a good response to a bad review can turn it all around.

Here’s how to handle a poor review.

Respond quickly - Make sure to regularly check new reviews and don’t just ignore bad ones. Just as you should thank customers for leaving good reviews, a negative review needs a swift response so it doesn’t fester on your profile.

As highlighted by TrustPilot, Oasis Fashion responds to every review - thanking customers and making them feel heard. When the review is negative they respond quickly and professionally without entering into an argument. This has helped them turn negatives into a positive.

Don’t take it personally, but do be a person! - Remain calm and don’t be tempted to get into an online argument. Don’t go on the defensive. Share how concerned you are to hear of a poor experience and that you would like to help resolve the issue quickly.

Take it offline - In responding to a poor online review, thank the reviewer for sharing feedback and ask to speak to them privately offline so that the issue can be resolved. Nine times out of ten, feeling they have been heard is enough to encourage them to remove or amend the review.

How to Get More Online Reviews

Now that you understand the importance of reviews for businesses and have identified relevant platforms, the next step is to actively seek and generate more reviews for your start-up. Here are some practical tips tailored to SMEs:

Optimise Your Presence: Ensure your business profiles on review sites are complete, accurate, and compelling. This lays the foundation for positive reviews.

Ask for Feedback: Actively encourage your customers to leave reviews. This can be done through follow-up emails, social media posts, or even in-store signage. Make the process as simple as possible.

Incentivise Reviews: Consider offering discounts, exclusive promotions, or loyalty points in exchange for honest reviews. This not only motivates customers but also adds an extra layer of customer engagement.

Respond to Reviews: Engage with your customers by responding to both positive and negative reviews. Show gratitude for positive feedback and address concerns raised in negative reviews. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction.

In the competitive landscape of business, reviews for businesses have become a linchpin for success. By strategically leveraging review sites like Trustpilot and Glassdoor, SMEs can retain and attract customers, increase visibility, and support SEO efforts. As you embark on this journey, remember that the conversation around your brand is happening online, and reviews are the megaphone. Embrace it, engage with your audience, and watch your start-up soar above the competition.

How do you grow a business with reviews?

Encourage Authentic Reviews: Actively seek genuine customer feedback to build a trustworthy online reputation.

Showcase Positivity: Feature positive reviews on your website and social media platforms as compelling testimonials.

Transparent Response: Respond openly and constructively to negative reviews, showing your commitment to your customers’ satisfaction.

SEO Optimisation: Leverage the SEO benefits of reviews by incorporating relevant keywords and encouraging customers to mention specific details about your products or services.

Continuous Improvement: Use customer feedback to enhance the quality of your products or services, demonstrating adaptability and a dedication to meeting customer needs.

Engage and Foster Loyalty: Foster customer loyalty by engaging with customers who leave reviews, acknowledging their input, and building a personal connection.

Strategic Marketing: Integrate reviews into your overall marketing strategy, using social proof to attract new customers and build credibility.

Do Reviews Boost Sales? Definitely! Reviews can significantly boost sales by building trust, providing social proof, and influencing potential customers' purchasing decisions.

link to Tips for Responding to Customer Reviews (Feb)We can probably link to loads of previous SEO content within here just as a reference for new users

A final thought… all feedback is good feedback

Reviews don’t just help increase visibility and reputation. The beauty of reviews is that they are opportunities to learn. Positive reviews can help you know what you need to do more of, just as negative feedback can indicate what needs extra attention.

Any chance you have to connect, communicate and understand your customers better is an opportunity to build a better, stronger and more profitable business. As Madrid based La Farmacia del Baby, which uses the Ekomi platform says, “we are very interested in knowing how the customer's experience has been from the first contact to the delivery of the package. Customer feedback is essential for correct decision-making, which can range from the incorporation of new product lines to changes in the different delivery options.”

That’s what makes online reviews a 5-star strategy for success.

For more help with customer reviews, or any other part of your business, get 1-2-1 support from our team of V-Hub Digital Advisers.

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