Industry expertise: Construction

Coordinate your construction projects effectively with cost-effective smart solutions from Vodafone Business.​ 

Upgrade your ways of working

Construction companies are facing challenges in today's economy. Labour shortages, meeting health and safety requirements, managing productivity and the need to build sustainably to support the Governments’ Net Zero Strategy are tough targets to reach. The need to reassess and innovatively redefine the way you work is greater than ever.  

We work extensively with leading construction companies and professional services teams. We understand the challenges and opportunities for this sector and are experienced in helping companies like yours to deliver cost-effective smart solutions to drive efficiencies, develop new revenue streams and extend your competitive advantage.  

Tackling construction challenges 

Rapid deployment of sites and connectivity 

There are many challenges that can slow down the delivery of new projects, your developments need to be up and running as quickly as possible. Our rapid deployment solutions mean you can connect and activate a new site within 48 hours. You’ll be able to collaborate both on- and off-site almost immediately, helping you to get work started and protect your assets and people straight away. 

Managing your assets 

To protect your vehicles, machinery and other equipment is to protect your ability to deliver projects safely, on time and on budget. Our IoT technology offers real-time monitoring of the location and usage of any asset or vehicle, anywhere in the world – letting you analyse performance and develop new, usage-based ways to manage your equipment costs. 

Smart innovations built in 

The need to reduce costs and the carbon footprint means that the built environment is always evolving. Incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into traffic, parking, lighting and other key areas will create a smart, responsive infrastructure where services and servicing can be monitored and activated automatically. The Construction Leadership Council's plan to remove diesel from construction sites by 2035 is one key sustainability initiative. 

Improving productivity 

The construction sector employs over 8% of the UK's private sector workforce. That’s 2.5 million people who need to be working more collaboratively as practices and technologies change. Our Vodafone Business Unified Communications can help you and your people work in more efficient and effective ways to ensure your organisation is better placed in today’s always-connected world. 

Protecting your people 

The well-being of lone workers, or those in dangerous positions, has long been an issue for the construction industry. Our mobile working solutions give all your people access to the right technology to stay in touch – including the monitoring of remote workers and provision of immediate automatic access to emergency services and support when they need it most.  

Related solutions

Why Vodafone Business for Construction 

Best Network for Business*

Vodafone is uniquely placed to empower construction businesses with technology that enables everything and everyone in a business to be better connected. 

Construction is in our DNA 

We provide the networks, technology and solutions that help businesses gain a competitive advantage today and position themselves to take advantage of new opportunities tomorrow. 

Transition to net zero 

Construction companies are rethinking their operations model to include more circular practices and move towards low-carbon or carbon-neutral practices in their transition to net zero. At Vodafone, we have considerable experience in monitoring our own emissions and using technology to meet our net zero targets.  

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