Vodafone is helping the Wheatley Group work more effectively

Wheatley is Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group, whose staff work in the field and provide a range of services to customers in their homes. Wheatley worked with Vodafone to implement a solution to enable staff to work more effectively.

  • Wheatley had a communication challenge they needed to address: their housing officers manage up to 200 tenancies within their geographical patch and they need to be able to help tenants with various services, and update changing the information on the go

  • Working together, Wheatley and Vodafone undertook a discovery session and, together with Vodafone’s connectivity, iPad’s were rolled out to all 300 of Wheatley’s housing officers across Scotland

  • Wheatley’s housing officers are seeing huge benefits from working with Vodafone. They can schedule appointments with tenants, sign customers up to new services, advise on reducing utility bills, diagnose and arrange housing repairs, and enhance tenants’ digital skills.

The main objective for Wheatley Group is to provide safe, warm and affordable housing for customers, which includes developing and delivering homes across the West, Central and East of Scotland.

Wheatley Group wanted to bring technology to the forefront of the housing officers’ role, allowing them to schedule appointments and work with customers in their homes. iPads were rolled out with Vodafone’s connectivity, with a wide range of other applications that housing officers can use.

The feedback from staff and customers has solidified the success of the roll-out for Wheatley, with staff enjoying the “freedom” the solution gives them, and customers getting a more personalised service that’s helping make their lives easier.

“Partnering with Vodafone is a critical part of our service offering. Having a reliable network like Vodafone is fantastic because it allows us to deliver the type of service that we want to deliver, and that customers expect from us.”

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