Xpllore revolutionises learning through immersive experiences with Vodafone 5G

Vodafone is helping Xpllore to create immersive experiences that revolutionise the way people learn, design and communicate.

  • Xpllore were part of the team using Vodafone’s 5G network to deliver the world’s first streaming of high-end VR across Greater Manchester

  • Thanks to ultra-low latency on Vodafone’s 5G network, they now have the bandwidth they need to stream VR apps from their cloud servers to headsets

  • Xpllore can keep up with, and support advances in, the quality of VR graphics - plus help prevent issues with their VR equipment thanks to 5G

Xpllore started working with Vodafone at their Digital Innovation Hub in January 2019, based at MediaCityUK, in Salford, Greater Manchester. They are an innovative tech start-up with big plans for 5G. Founded by Chris Guerin, the company has been working to build an enterprise version of the game-streaming platform, Steam.

“If people use virtual reality (for learning), they're actually learning four times quicker than they would do traditionally”

Xpllore’s exceptional real-time user experiences require data to be moved and processed quickly. Performing this function at the edge via low latency connectivity is essential to avoid issues with hardware such as screen freezing, or the feeling of nausea brought on when using the headset with high latency.

Xpllore is rapidly moving towards realising their vision of making visual learning significantly more accessible. Through immersive experiences, they allow learners to confidently try new ways of working, increase hands-on learning time and help students retain information better even when learning remotely.

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